What is it?

23 Milhas is the cultural project of Ílhavo Municipality. In addition to a vast programming in various artistic areas, it promotes artistic creation, training and critical thinking, seeking to cultivate the relationship between artists and spectators, as well as activate territory and community.

Our activity takes place in four spaces: Casa da Cultura, Fábrica das Ideias, Cais Criativo e Laboratório das Artes.


Of immateriality

What is the purpose of culture in everyday life?

Projeto - Visão

Places and culture survive under the same formula: people, time and will. Although it may refer to material production, intangible heritage is truly responsible for the aggregation of communities and their territories. And however well-intentioned, there is no concrete assets that can replace it.

Ílhavo is a territory rich in cultural facilities. Bold buildings, whose mission cannot but equate the cultural heritage of their communities. But, valued and experienced as it may be, this heritage is not enough for itself. It is also indispensable to confront it with contemporaneity. You have to see, hear and experience - key ingredients for feeling, thinking and questioning, fostering critical thinking and civic participation. An attempt that can be achieved in light of current creation and thought practices.

Armed with a cohesive, vibrant and contemporary identity, a territory offers a unique place experience - not only to those who inhabit it, but also to those who observe it from the outside. An aspect of unquestionable importance, because the prosperity of a territory is not a mere mirror of the economic wealth it produces.


23 Milhas combines demanding cultural programming and proximity action.

Its programmatic orientation seeks a constant encounter between local needs and interests and the relevance and validity of artistic proposals, seeking to cultivate the relationship between creators and spectators.

It is a project of cultural development attentive to the productions and consumption of the communities, which does not translate into a constraint to its action but an opportunity to expand its intervention: through artistic practices that easily build bridges with the community – like the contemporary circus, illustration and music – and events in which we are involved as a co-creator - like Rádio Faneca -, 23 Milhas initiates processes of relationship and openness to the most diverse contemporary practices. Mediation is one of the distinguishing features of its cultural action.

Projeto - Pertinência

The project sees in all activities an opportunity for relationship and public awareness. A trait reinforced by the creation of specific activities for families, schools, youth, seniors and other publics. Our intervention covers support for creation, experimentation, research, research and training. Therefore, together with the regular programming of performing arts and visual arts, it develops four specific action programs:

Artistic Residency and Creative Support Program

Research and Innovation Project Program

Culture Practices Program

Training Program


23 Milhas is a cross-sectional and inclusive project that takes advantage of the polycentric logic of the settlement of Ílhavo, focusing on the territory, the community and the relationship with the exterior.

It has three strategic objectives:

Promote community practices and cultural participation

Contribute to the development of the cultural sector

Strengthen territorial cohesion and attractiveness


The relationship of the municipality of Ílhavo with the sea, iconically marked by cod, and its connection with Vista Alegre, brand, place and factory complex, positions the territory as the cradle of two of the main cultural symbols of Portugal: sea and table.

Projeto - Ílhavo

Immaterial wealth is the real responsible for the aggregation of people and their territories. Portugal's relationship with the "table" is undeniable. The table is the moment of meeting, sharing and celebration. Gastronomy is one of the most relevant cultural aspects of people and, in the Portuguese case, cod is its ex-libris, inside and beyond borders.

At Christmas, the “faithful friend” is served in the no less faithful “silver of the house”, the porcelain table is filled. Intangible embassies that delimit history, prolonging the journey.

Projeto - Ílhavo



In four equipments - Laboratório, Fábrica, Casa e Cais - a holistic action program is promoted, which aims to increase the importance of cultural activities in daily life and to support cultural professionals.


Projeto - Equipamentos

The Casa da Cultura is a specialized facility in an eclectic and multidisciplinary programming. The ability of this space to present exclusive shows, premieres and pre-premieres takes advantage of a reinforced set of partnerships and networks, positioning Ílhavo in the national script of performing arts programming.


Projeto - Equipamentos

Fábrica das Ideias is a cultural equipment specialized in creative residences, particularly geared to the visual and performing arts.
At the purpose of welcoming and supporting artists in the process of creation joins the also the objective of bringing cultural production to the daily life of Gafanha da Nazaré: to promote the permanence of artists and to enhance their crossing with the public, to demystify the processes of creation. and design projects in partnership with the community.


Projeto - Equipamentos

The Laboratório das Artes it's a cultural equipment specialized in the areas of experimentation, research, investigation and training. For a project with the size of 23 Milhas it is essential that there is a space - physical and conceptual - dedicated to thought and exploration in the fields of artistic creation, social sciences and practices of the cultural sector.


Projeto - Equipamentos

Cais Criativo is an facility, of programming and residences, whose specialization has a seasonal character. In spring and summer, the program aims to take advantage of tourist flows by creating complementary content to the beach.


From the 23 nautical miles of luminous range of Farol da Barra, a municipal and national monument, “of light suddenly so lit, at night and absence so quickly returned”, the light began to dictate the rules of the graphic construction of the representation. Not only of figurative representation, but also of the direct meaning of a local / regional identification that intertwines with the global territory - since the luminous limits of a lighthouse merge with all their counterparts.

From the idea of ​​luminous circumference, with the natural and obvious identification of four spaces (idea also linked to the light coding of the Farol da Barra, composed of four fixed lights), the circle is separated into four equal parts, each one representing each of the cultural spaces.

The global design logo, 23 Miles, brings us to the stylized representation of navigational elements: a quadrant, a boat, or a beam of light.

Projeto - Identidade
Projeto - Identidade
Casa Cultura
Dino d'Santiago

A ideia de Dino D'Santiago é ouvir todas as cidades que chamam por si. E que que o ouçamos a ele. Figura central na música portuguesa, não só pelo que compõe, mas pela empatia que transborda, explora a tradição cabo-verdiana misturada, e bem, com o que há de contemporâneo na eletrónica global.

Fábrica Ideias
EGO - João Pataco
Noite Europeia do Circo

Na Noite Europeia do Circo, João Pataco avança parte da criação apoiada deste ano do LEME – Festival de Circo Contemporâneo: EGO.

Casa Cultura
Camerata Nov’Arte
Festivais de Outono - Universidade de Aveiro

Esta é a estreia em Portugal da versão para dois solistas vocais e ensemble de A Canção da Terra, de Gustav Mahler, adaptada por Iain Farrington.

Casa Cultura
Pássaro de Fogo
Orquestra Filarmónica Gafanhense

Neste concerto propõe-se um programa centrado na obra “Pássaro de Fogo” do compositor Igor Stravinsky, sendo apresentada uma performance interdisciplinar com participação do artista visual João Rapozo.

Fábrica Ideias
Noite de Verão
Luís Mestre / Teatro Nova Europa

Na quarta noite da Tetralogia das Estações de Luís Mestre, há dois jovens adultos numa estância de férias abandonada que acabaram de se conhecer e não sabem que estão ali um para o outro.

Igreja Matriz Gafanha Nazaré
Vocal Ensemble
Festivais de Outono - Universidade de Aveiro

Os amantes da música antiga apreciam os manuscritos autógrafos, ou seja, as obras ou coleções de obras que nos chegaram pela grafia da mão do próprio compositor.

Plantio de Outono
Ação de limpeza e plantio

A forma como a natureza evolui está sincronizada com as estações do ano. O outono é uma época de transformação, por isso, preparamos o Planteia para descansar

Teatro para famílias
As Ideias são como as Sementes
Associação Quinta Oficina

O desafio ao público é para que não se sente confortavelmente, a assistir a esta inquietante aventura, mas sim que arregace as mangas e se envolva nesta missão que também é sua.

Casa Cultura
Projeto de comunidade
Pé na terra, cabeça no (m)ar
Mafalda Saloio

Este é um encontro entre terra e céu. Trabalhar a terra a dançar, os cantos de trabalho, a destreza dos passos de dança, os encontros e desencontros, a rudeza do árido. Uma viagem pelas histórias de uma terra onde é preciso caminhar, saltar, correr, cantar, rezar, resistir, lutar para fazer caminho. A memória do folclore acompanha o trabalho criativo. Como reinventamos as nossas danças a partir de memórias que temos?

Oficina Planteia: Farmácia herbal para o inverno
com Carla Ladeira

Nesta oficina, vamos aproximar-nos da sabedoria ancestral das nossas avós e criar quase poções com plantas capazes de regenerar o nosso corpo.


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